Every great celebration has a video.
Celebrating someone or something? Let me be the one to create the video everyone will talk about.
I do this differently than anyone else. I won't be at your wedding. I will not be following you with a camera or lights or a boom mic. But I promise the video I create for you will be watched, often and again.
I bring the emotion that most videos forget or avoid. My videos have made an audience of over 100 wedding guests cry. Good tears, even the DJ who didn't know the bride and groom! Literally, they had to take a 10 minute break so everyone could freshen up!
I bring the talent of editing to otherwise boring video. I grab hold of the audience with anticipation and joy, humour and melancholy. I rely on music and spontaneous editing to create a memorable token of admiration.
(In most cases, these videos are personal and I refuse to share publicly)